"They had style, they had grace, Rita Hayworth gave good face"

Effortlessly polished, put together, glossy and fresh faced. How to give "good face" when you don't feel like it, want to or have time to!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The higher the hair, the closer to God....

Over the years, I have had my share of bad hair days. Ok, that's generous. I've had bad hair years. Try Nursery school til oh, say...TENTH GRADE! And even then it was questionable, even just plain tragic. There was the time when people thought my younger brother and I were twins because I had the same homemade bowl cut. And I can't forget the time it took me years to grow out the bowl cut (2nd grade). I begged my mom for a "perm". That's because I wanted to have LONG, CURLY hair. Mom takes me to the salon and in 3.3 minutes, they cut it ALL off, permed it and turned me into little Asian "Annie". I wanted to be an orphan after that! At 12, my tall-ish bangs were as high as I could get them. But it was raining at the bus stop so it fell. The only thing I had in my backpack was a tube of Vaseline. Not hairspray, but vaseline. And yes, I was so desperate, I tried it. Mega fail. I used Aqua Net, White Rain and all those hilarious hairsprays in my teen years. Fast forward to the years of requiring non-moving hair for work. The 'anchor helmet' we in the news business like to call it. No matter the conditions outside, snow storm, rain storm or hurricane, drive-by shooting, we gotta look fab. For years, I used Sebastian Shaper. It works, but it stinks. Like smells bad, stinks. It costs around $14 dollars for a tall bottle. My problem with it is you can't move one hair after spraying or it starts to flake white chunks. A recent favorite is FUSION. It's in a silver bottle I'd find at my stylist's salon. Pretty expensive at $25 dollars. Works FAR better than shaper and it smells great. It's freak of nature strong. However, I've found that the aerosol button breaks half way through the bottle. :( If you want to try it, you can find it online. My NEW favorite is Loreal's Elnett hairspray (with the white top-extra hold). It's a recent import from the UK. I first heard of it about a year ago when a friend asked that I bring some back for her during a trip abroad. You can comb through it and zero flakes. It's more of a flexible hold for the natural look. It's kinda pricey at around $14 for a tall bottle. But it's definitely the kind of hair spray you can you to tease UP your hair. Find it in every major drug store or Target. The "special" Rite Aid near my house carries it so I know it's gone mainstream! Happy Hair Days everyone -- send me your faves!


  1. I'll give the Loreal Elnett hairspray a try! Sounds like my kind of spray! ;)
    One that I've tried that is absolutely, hands down mega, mega hold (your hair won't move), yet you can still "style" it after you spray it in place, is White Sands hairspray. It's $24 and they use it on the Dancing With the Stars tour. =)It's amazing! http://www.whitesandsproducts.com/Products/Detail.aspx?pid=112

  2. Kim, do you have to buy it online? If they use it on DWTS, it has to be great!
