"They had style, they had grace, Rita Hayworth gave good face"

Effortlessly polished, put together, glossy and fresh faced. How to give "good face" when you don't feel like it, want to or have time to!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Nude skin....IN?

Do you dare to go bare? C'mon! Everyone's doing it. Models and actresses right now are making it a point to pose/flaunt their make-up free faces in magazines lately. (Oh, and the blowout helps, doesn't it?) Some see it as liberating and being confident in their own skin...for others, it's just reality. There's just not enough time in the day to "do their face". I guess I swing both ways :)

As a girl growing up in the South, it's extremely hard for me to walk out in public, totally bare faced. At minimum, I'll wear powder (MAC's Studio Fix), big sunglasses and lip gloss. I mean, who has perfect skin? I still get pimples for goodness sakes! On the other hand, 5 days a week, I wear so much make-up it takes three types of cleanser to get it all off, so a break is much needed.

On Thursday (5/13) the TODAY Show hosts all gave women across the country hope by showing us their make-free faces. I call them courageous. They're just "like us". I couldn't have done that.

Obviously, it all starts by taking care of your skin. I use ProActiv products daily along with Aveeno sunscreen. It's so weird to be in this stage of trying to prevent pimples AND aging skin! Ugh. Recently, I tried a sampler of Dr. Perricone products. There's a fabulous little item called, "Dr. Perricone's No Foundation Foundation". It's like a serum that helps fine lines, dark spots, etc. I also got Perricone's tinted moisturizer/sunscreen as well. AWESOME! I'd call it great, not amazing but I definitely felt comfortable to go out with my "bare face". When these nifty products ran out, I continued with my old skin care regime. And when I want to go minimal, I mix my liquid foundation with my sunscreen then blend into my face. Powder. Gloss. Oh, and a tiny bit of eyeliner. DONE!

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog Elaine! (and wish I would have thought of it!) I know you're a MAC girl, but give Makeup Forever products a try. I use their High Def. concealer. Wish I would have had it when I was on TV. Thank God I didn't have to deal with HD! I don't agree the concealer stays on 6 hours like the company claims, but it still works - one of the best I've used, and I am ALWAYS searching for the perfect concealer!
