"They had style, they had grace, Rita Hayworth gave good face"

Effortlessly polished, put together, glossy and fresh faced. How to give "good face" when you don't feel like it, want to or have time to!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Slave for a Thousand Lashes

We learn what's pretty and flirty at a very young age. If you watch any children's cartoon, most of the female characters have these long, curled eyelashes. I mean, why else was Pepe Le Pew always chasing around his "petite femme skunk"? Did you ever get a load of her lashes? And helloooo - Daphne from Scooby Doo?

Yeah, it made an impression. Sadly for me, I wasn't born with anything close to that feminine ideal. I've always envied those girls who said, "Oh, Maybelline Great Lash Is. THE. BEST. Mascara. It's inexpensive and works so well!" Well excuse me, but I have those short, straight and sparse Asian eyelashes. I'm great at faking though. (You'll soon learn that faking is a very important theme and exercise in this blog.)

I didn't wear mascara until after college. (GASP). I mean, I didn't think it did anything. My lashes were so ridiculously short, I didn't think it'd even make a difference. Boy, was I stupid. Enter the world of TV make-up artists and consultants and wonderful friends who were born with liner brushes in their hands. The first time I ever wore fake eyelashes, I swear I was a different person...like a real WO-man. whoo-hooo! Those little Ardell 110s changed my whole demeanor. I felt Sex-AY! Appearance Coach Patti Shyne (www.pattishyne.com) did the impossible. She taught me how to slap those babies on my eyelids in 5 minutes! The Ardell #110 eyelashes can be found at Target or any drug store (runs about $3.50). The number on the packaging indicates the length and thickness. The 110s are the most natural looking.

My mascara arsenal includes two options:
DIOR Show "Iconic" at a very expensive $27.50 a bottle (Sephora). I wear this at work. Great brush, goes on thick without being clumpy, separates and curls.
My everyday "non-work" mascara is Loreal " Double Extend" (any drug store or grocery store). It's NOT totally cheap at around $14.50 a tube. This comes with the foundation lash base coat on one end, then the actual mascara on the other end. Now, I'll actually spend money on my eyelashes because I truly, truly believe it's what makes my peepers totally pop. Jackie-O knew how to work her features to her best advantage.

So ladies and gents, in an effort to reduce my fak-ery, I just ordered "Rapid Lash" online. It's this serum that's received fabulous reviews for both lengthening and thickening eyelashes. It's pricey at around $40 a bottle but much, much cheaper than Latisse, which requires a doctor's prescription and can run into the hundreds of dollars. So, we'll see - I'll keep you posted. Word is, "Rapid Lash" takes about 4 weeks of daily use to see results.

I'm embarrassed to reveal which celebrity I heard uses this stuff...but she is an older, older (not my style) woman. And hey, if it makes my lashes look a fraction of the way it does hers, then I. AM. SOLD.


  1. Lash Stiletto changed my life. I used good old pink and green maybelline for years and kept wondering why i had dark makeup looking circles under my eyes. I tried lash stiletto on a whim because I liked the marketing and realized my good friend pink and green was making me look tired and sleepless.

    Lash Stiletto is a good inexpensive alternative to the high end mascaras.

    Interested to know how Rapid Lash works, I can't use Latisse or any of the current lengthening products on the market because I'm kinda partial to my blue/grey eyes.

  2. Oh Patti Shyne.."She'll Shyne you up!" The memories you brought back with that name. Don't tell her, I'm Asian and I never ever wore mascara on air! I did curl and sometimes used clear mascara.

  3. You ladies actually have lashes! :-)

    Yeah, Patti gave me an "eye session". And Jen, I'll check out Lash Stiletto too. I just needed that base coat that Loreal offers.

  4. I use MAC's Zoom Fast Black Lash mascara. I do like it, but I'm a MAC girl, so it's what I've been using for years. I also have those short, straight "asian lashes"! :) My sister-in-law swears by DIOR Diorshow mascara. I might have to try that! I'm anxious to hear how your experiment with this Rapid Lash goes!

  5. Kim, there are a few different Dior Show options. There's a waterproof one, the original, and Iconic. I tried Iconic because of a great review but all of it is good!

  6. I used double extend - it's the one that makes the tubes right?

    I liked how it looked, but taking it off and having the snakey globs of black mascara in my sink were just grossing me out. My lashes looked good though.

  7. I went to Sephora the other day, and they were promoting a Stila mascara, so I tried it. Can't remember what it's actually called, but I hated it! When I removed it, there were little flecks of mascara all over my face!

    Elaine, I asked Haley which Dior Show she "swore" by and now she says that they make her lashes clumpy, so now she "swears" by Makeup Forever's Smokey Lash. :)
